Friday, October 29, 2010

Bicentennial Man Blog

I think the laws of robotics are important because it shows the robots how to behave. The robots should listen to humans. Its better for the robots to listen to us so they wont get out of hand with humans and with power.
i think that A.I is alive but not a human. Indeed it is alive and it can do a lot of things that a human can do. robots cant reproduce and have children.
if robots can be immortal we should not get mad. that proves that they are not human because they cant die naturally. the robots have to obey are laws so nothing can go wrong.
i think if a human being wants to get married with a robot that's okay. that is there decision. the humans are going to have to faise the consequences of not having children naturally and genetically otherwise if they have that technology then it wont be a problem.

i think that if a robot is immortal we should accept it. we are not robots that's why we die naturally. robots should be mortal if they want
if the a.i. has emotions we should treat them nice and respectful. we should not own them but they must obey the rules.they are not equal to humans.
kurzweil is right about what he is saying. i agree with him. we should not develop technology so they can destroy humanity.

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